华中科技大学机械学院研究生导师:刘世元 -k8kaifa




刘世元(liu shiyuan,professor),1970年9月出生,湖北监利人,教授,博士生导师;国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,科技部中青年科技创新领军人才,湖北省“纳米光学测量技术与仪器”创新群体负责人;国际测量与仪器委员会(icmi)理事,美国光学学会(osa)、美国真空学会(avs)、国际光学工程学会(spie)、国际电气电子工程学会(ieee)会员;中国光学学会光学测试专业委员会委员,中国计量测试学会计量仪器专业委员会委员,湖北省仪器仪表学会副理事长。


长期从事纳米光学测量技术与仪器方面的研究工作,先后主持国家自然科学基金(5项)、首批国家重大科学仪器设备开发专项、国家科技重大专项子课题、国家863计划等20余项国家级科研项目。组建并带领纳米光学测量创新团队(http://mse.hust.edu.cn/nom/index_chinese.html),在微纳测试技术、光学精密仪器、微纳制造技术等方面开展创新研究,取得一批有影响的研究成果。在appl.phys. lett.、opt.express、opt.lett.等期刊发表sci论文80余篇;申请美国专利3件(获授权2件)、中国发明专项42件(获授权29件);在重要国际学术会议做大会/特邀报告15次;担任组委会主席,成功创办“第一届全国椭圆偏振光谱学研讨会”。

主要研究方向1. 层状纳米材料测量理论与方法


2. 椭偏仪创新研制与应用


3. 光学器件建模计算与优化设计









1. 国家重大科学仪器设备开发专项“宽光谱广义椭偏仪设备开发”,2011-2015,3979万元,主持。

2. 国家杰出青年科学基金“机械测试理论、方法与技术”,2016-2020,400万元,主持。

3. 国家自然科学基金“基于散射场层析广义椭偏仪的三维纳米结构测量理论与方法”,2015-2018,85万元,主持。

4. 湖北省自然科学基金“纳米光学测量技术与仪器创新群体”,2015-2017,60万元,主持。

5. 湖北省科技支撑计划重点项目“基于momes技术的微型光谱椭偏仪研制”,2015-2017,50万元,主持。

6. 国家科技重大专项子课题“基于模型的光学临近校正技术研究”,2012-2014,135万元,主持。

7. 国家自然科学基金“基于广义椭偏仪的纳米结构三维形貌参数测量理论与方法研究”,2011-2013,50万元,主持。

8. 国家自然科学基金“高深宽比微纳层次结构的仿壁虎毛参数优化设计与制作工艺研究”,2008-2010,34万元,主持。









1. x.chen, w. du, k. yuan, j. chen, h. jiang, c. zhang, and s. liu, "development of a spectroscopic mueller matrix imaging ellipsometer for nanostructure metrology," rev. sci. instrum. 87(5), 053707 (2016).

2. h.gu, x. chen, h. jiang, c. zhang, w. li, and s. liu, "accurate alignment of optical axes of a biplate using a spectroscopic mueller matrix ellipsometer," appl. opt. 55(15), 3935-3941 (2016).

3. w.li, h. jiang, c. zhang, x. chen, h. gu, and s. liu,"characterization of curved surface layer by mueller matrix ellipsometry,” j. vac. sci. technol. b 34(2), 020602 (2016).

4. w.li, c. zhang, h. jiang, x. chen, and s. liu, "depolarization artifacts in dual rotating compensator mueller matrix ellipsometry," j. opt. 18(5), 055701 (2016).

5. h.gu, x. chen, h. jiang, c. zhang, and s. liu, "optimal broadband mueller matrix ellipsometer using multi-waveplates with flexibly oriented axes," j. opt. 18(2), 025702 (2016).

6. j.zhu, h. jiang, y. shi, x. chen, c. zhang, and s. liu, "improved nanostructure reconstruction by performing data refinement in optical scatterometry," j. opt. 18(1), 015605 (2016).

7. x.chen, h. jiang, c. zhang, and s. liu, "towards understanding the detection of profile asymmetry from mueller matrix differential decomposition," j.appl. phys. 118(22), 225308 (2015).

8. s. liu,w. du, x. chen, h. jiang, and c. zhang, "mueller matrix imaging ellipsometry for nanostructure metrology,"opt. express 23(13), 17316-17329(2015).

9. s. liu,x. chen, and c. zhang, "development of a broadband mueller matrix ellipsometer as a powerful tool for nanostructure metrology," thin solid films 584, 176-185 (2015).

10. j.zhu, s. liu,h. jiang, c. zhang, and x. chen, "improved deep-etched multilayer grating reconstruction by considering etching anisotropy and abnormal errors in optical scatterometry," opt. lett. 40(4), 471-474 (2015).

11. j.zhu, h. jiang, y. shi, c. zhang, x. chen, and s. liu, "fast and accurate solution of inverse problem in optical scatterometry using heuristic search and robust correction," j.vac. sci. technol. b 33(3), 031807 (2015).

12. h.gu, s. liu,x. chen, and c. zhang, "calibration of misalignment errors in composite waveplates using mueller matrix ellipsometry," appl. opt. 54(4), 684-693 (2015).

13. x.wu, s. liu,w. lv, and e. y. lam, "sparse nonlinear inverse imaging for shot countreduction in inverse lithography," opt.express 23(21), 26919-26931(2015).

14. x.chen, c. zhang, s. liu,h. jiang, z. ma, and z. xu, "mueller matrix ellipsometric detection ofprofile asymmetry in nanoimprinted grating structures," j. appl. phys. 116(19), 194305 (2014).

15. j.zhu, s. liu,x. chen, c. zhang, and h. jiang, "robust solution to the inverse problem in optical scatterometry,"opt.express 22(18), 22031-22042(2014).

16. x.chen, s. liu,c. zhang, h. jiang, z. ma, t. sun, and z. xu, "accurate characterization of nanoimprinted resist patterns using mueller matrix ellipsometry," opt. express 22(12), 15165-15177 (2014).

17. s.xu, c. zhang, h. wei, and s. liu,"a single-image method of aberration retrieval for imaging systems under partially coherent illumination," j.opt. 16(7), 072001 (2014).

18. x.chen, s. liu,h. gu, and c. zhang, "formulation of error propagation and estimation ingrating reconstruction by a dual-rotating compensator mueller matrix polarimeter,"thin solid films 571, 653-659 (2014).

19. z.dong, s. liu,x. chen, and c. zhang, "determination of an optimal measurement configuration in optical scatterometry using global sensitivity analysis,"thin solid films 562, 16-23 (2014).

20. w.lv, e. y. lam, h. wei, and s. liu,"cascadic multigrid algorithm for robust inverse mask synthesis in optical lithography," j. micro/nanolith.mems moems 13(2), 023003 (2014).

21. w.lv, s. liu,x. wu, and e. y. lam, "illumination source optimization in optical lithography via derivative-free optimization," j. opt. soc. am. a 31(12), b19-b26 (2014).

22. x.zhou, c. zhang, h. jiang, h. wei, and s. liu, "efficient representation of mask transmittance functions for vectorial lithography simulations," j. opt. soc. am. a31(12), b10-b18 (2014).

23. x.wu, s. liu,w. lv, and e. y. lam, "robust and efficient inverse mask synthesis with basis function representation,"j.opt. soc. am. a 31(2), b1-b9 (2014).

24. x.wu, s. liu,j. li, and e. y. lam, "efficient source mask optimization with zernike polynomial functions for source representation," opt.express 22(4), 3924-3937 (2014).







