东南大学管理科学与工程系导师介绍:李敏 -k8kaifa












2002/09– 2007/06,南京大学数学系, 计算数学, 博士

1998/09– 2002/07,南京大学数学系, 信息与计算科学, 学士


2014/04– 至今,东南大学,经济管理学院,教授

2012/01– 至今,东南大学,经济管理学院,博士生导师

2009/12– 至今,东南大学,经济管理学院,硕士生导师

2009/04– 2014/04,东南大学,经济管理学院,副教授

2007/06– 2009/04,东南大学,经济管理学院,讲师

2013/06– 2013/08,香港浸会大学,数学系,学术访问

2012/07– 2012/09,香港浸会大学,数学系,学术访问

2010/04– 2010/07,新加坡国立大学,数学系,学术访问

2007/09– 2008/03,香港浸会大学,数学系,学术访问

2006/10– 2007/02,香港浸会大学,数学系,研究助理


[1] 线性约束凸优化扩展问题的投影收缩算法研究,江苏省自然科学基金—面上项目,2012.7-2015.6,主持(第二负责人)

[2] 带有秩约束的最小二乘半定规划问题的数值算法,国家自然科学基金—青年基金,2011.1-2013.12,主持

[3] 广义变分不等式模型及算法,国家自然科学基金—天元基金,2010.1-2010.12,主持

[4] 零售业供应链中的综合定价策略,高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金-新教师基金,2009.1 -2011.12,主持

[5] 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,2013.1 -2015.12,主持

[6] 高校青蓝工程优秀青年骨干教师培养对象,2012.12 -2015.12,主持

[7] 东南大学优秀青年教师教学科研资助计划,2011.1 -2013.12,主持


[1] 李敏, d. f. sun and k.-c. toh, a convergent 3-block semi-proximal admm for convex minimization problems with one strongly convex block, accepted by asia-pacific journal of operational research, nov., (2014).

[2] c.h. chen, 李敏and x. m. yuan, further study on the convergence rate of alternating direction method of multipliers with logarithmic-quadratic proximal regularization, journal of optimization theory and applications, doi 10.1007/s10957-014-0682-8 , nov., (2014).

[3] 李敏and x. m. yuan, a strictly contractive peaceman-rachford splitting method with logarithmic-quadratic proximal regularization for convex programming, accepted by mathematics of operations research, jul., (2014).

[4] 李敏,z.k. jiang and z.j. zhou, dual-primal proximal point algorithms for extended convex programming, international journal of computer mathematics, doi 10.1080/00207160.2014. 945920, aug., (2014). sci收录

[5] 李敏,x.x. li and x.m. yuan, convergence analysis of the generalized alternating direction method of multipliers with logarithmic-quadratic proximal regularization, journal of optimization theory and applications, doi 10.1007/s10957-014-0567-x , may, (2014). sci收录

[6] 李敏and z.k. jiang, the ppa-based numerical algorithm with the o(1/t) convergence rate for variant variational inequalities, optimization letters, vol.8(4), pp. 1487-1500, apr., (2014).sci收录

[7] h.w. xu and李敏, on the o(1/t) convergence rate of the lqp prediction-correction method, optimization letters, vol.8(1), pp. 319-328, jan., (2014).sci收录

[8] 李敏,l.-z. liao and x.m. yuan, inexact alternating direction method of multipliers with logarithmic-quadratic proximal regularization, journal of optimization theory and applications, vol.159, pp. 412-436, nov., (2013).sci收录

[9] 李敏, a hybrid lqp-based method for structured variational inequalities, international journal of computer mathematics, vol.89(10), pp. 1412-1425, jul., (2012).sci收录

[10] 李敏and x.m. yuan, some proximal algorithms for linearly constrained general variational inequalities, optimization, vol.61(5), pp. 505-524, may, (2012). sci收录

[11] x.m. yuan and李敏, an lqp-based decomposition method for solving a class of variational inequalities, siam journal on optimization, vol.21, pp. 1309-1318,nov., (2011). sci收录

[12] 李敏, l.-z. liao and x.m. yuan, some goldstein's type methods for co-coercive variant variational inequalities, applied numerical mathematics, vol. 61(2), pp. 216-228, feb., (2011).sci收录

[13] 李敏and w. zhong, an lqp-based descent method for structured monotone variational inequalities, journal of computational and applied mathematics, vol. 235(5), pp. 1523-1530, jan., (2011). sci、ei收录

[14] a.bnouhachem, 李敏, m. khalfaoui and z.h. sheng, a modified inexact implicit method for mixed variational inequalities, journal of computational and applied mathematics, vol. 234(12), pp. 3356-3365, oct., (2010). sci、ei收录

[15] 李敏and x.m. yuan, an improved lqp-based method for solving nonlinear complementarity problems, frontiers of mathematics in china, vol. 5, pp. 23-35, jan., (2010). sci收录

[16] m. h. xu, 李敏and c. c. yang, neural networks for a class of bi-level variational inequalities, journal of global optimization, vol. 44, pp. 535-552, aug., (2009). sci、ei收录

[17] 李敏,l.-z. liao and x.m. yuan, proximal point algorithms for general variational inequalities, journal of optimization theory and applications, vol. 142, pp. 125-145, jul., (2009). sci收录

[18] b.s. he, 李敏and l.-z. liao, an improved contraction method for structured monotone variational inequalities, optimization, vol. 57(5), pp. 643-653, oct., (2008). sci收录

[19] 李敏,l.-z. liao and x.m. yuan, a modified descent method for co-coercive variational inequalities, european journal of operational research, vol. 189(2), pp. 310-323, sep., (2008). sci、ei收录

[20] 李敏and a. bnouhachem, a modified inexact operator splitting method for monotone variational inequalities, journal of global optimization, vol. 41, pp. 417-426, jul., (2008). sci、ei收录

[21] 李敏and x.m. yuan, an appa-based descent method with optimal step-sizes for monotonevariational inequalities, european journal of operational research, vol. 186(2), pp. 486-495, apr., (2008). sci、ei收录

[22] 李敏and x.m. yuan, an improved goldstein's type method for a class of variant variational inequalities, journal of computational and applied mathematics, vol. 214(1), pp. 304-312, apr., (2008). sci、ei收录

[23] 李敏,a new generalized appa for maximal monotone operators, applied mathematics letters, vol. 21(2), pp. 181-186, feb., (2008). sci、ei收录

[24] 李敏and x.m. yuan, an improved proximal-based decomposition method for structured monotone variational inequalities, applied mathematics and mechanics, vol. 28(12), pp. 1659-1668, dec. (2007). sci、ei收录

[25] 李敏,h. shao and b.s. he, an inexact logarithmic-quadratic proximal augmented lagrangian method for a class of constrained variational inequalities, mathematical methods of operations research, vol. 66(2), pp. 183-201, oct. (2007). sci、ei收录

[26] 李敏and m.h. xu, comparison of two proximal point algorithms for monotone variational inequalities, computers & mathematics with applications, vol. 52, pp. 1543-1554, nov., (2006). sci、ei收录






